Bill Young joins DAB Eklipse Sports Radio

The soon-to-launch digital sports radio station in Scotland Eklipse Sports Radio has hired Bill Young as its programme controller.
Bill was previously with Real Radio Scotland and talkSPORT but has most recently been with CityBeat in Belfast as PC.

Director Spencer Pryor: “Thrilled, absolutely thrilled! Bill and his programming skills will make ESR the ‘Stuff of Legends’ in days to come. His experience, knowledge and skills as a broadcaster are second to none. He’s a great asset to have on board.”

The station will start testing this week and the full schedule will be announced soon. Eklipse Sports Radio will be broadcasting to central Scotland on DAB to a TSA of 2.7m.

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Posted on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 at 1:29 pm by RadioToday Staff

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