The Dark Side of the Moon for Smooth 70s

Smooth 70s is celebrating the 40th anniversary of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album by playing it in full.

smooth70sThe UK’s only national 70s station will play all the songs back-to-back on Friday at 9pm, introduced by Kid Jensen.

Real and Smooth Deputy Group Programme Director Chris Stevens said: “This is a must listen not only for Floyd fans but for lovers of great music.

“Dark Side of the Moon is without question one of the greatest albums ever made. It’s sold over 50 million copies, and if yours has been misplaced over the years, makes sure you’re tuned to Smooth 70s on Friday night. It’s rare for a station to play an entire album in one show but we’re making a special exception for this one.”

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Posted on Thursday, March 21st, 2013 at 4:47 pm by RadioToday Staff

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