Celador takes Breeze off DAB multiplexes

Celador Radio, owners of The Breeze network of stations in the south and south-west of England have removed the brand from DAB.

The company says the digital platform just doesn’t work for them in delivering local content.

The station has been broadcasting on DAB covering South Hampshire, but where numerous FM transmitters are offering local content, there is only one digital multiplex covering all areas. This, Celador says, makes it impossible to provide local content in each market.

Similarly in the south west, Bath DAB listeners were hearing Bristol content.

Richard Johnson, group creative director at Celador told RadioToday.co.uk: “We’ve spent a lot of money and energy making sure all our local licence areas have local news, traffic and information, so to broadcast Southampton content across the whole of South Hampshire just doesn’t make sense.”

“The DAB set up in both Hampshire and Bristol just doesn’t work for us,” he continued.

The company’s other brand, JACK fm, remains on DAB in Bristol/Bath and South Hampshire as the station operates on a single frequency and gains extra coverage by being on DAB.

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