Key 103 makes changes to daytime schedule

New programme times at Key 103 Manchester means drivetime presenter OJ Borg is leaving the station.

All the programmes are being extended, meaning the Bauer Media station will now have three main shows instead of four.

Breakfast will air 6-10 with Mike and Chelsea, Darren Proctor will do an extra hour till 2pm and Adam Caterall, previously on 1-4pm will shift to drivetime 3-7pm.

The 2-3pm hour will be filled by former Capital and Heart presenter Neil Bentley who’ll do non-stop “Old Skool & Anthems”.

Neil commented, “Having the opportunity of working with industry leader Bauer Media UK, alongside Ande and his talented team, is just fantastic. To top it all off, the new show will play a mix of music that I’m absolutely passionate about. Bring on 2014!”

OJ has a new gig lined up at BBC Radio 5 live, hosting a cycling show along with some TV work.

Ande Macpherson, North West Regional Content Director, said, “I’m really pleased to announce a new look to the daytime line up for Key 103 in the new year, which will deliver a compelling afternoon of radio every weekday in Manchester.”

Bauer Media recently hired Kate Cocker as Content Controller.

The changes take place from January 7th and bring the station’s schedule times in-line with other Bauer stations in the North.

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Posted on Monday, December 23rd, 2013 at 11:40 am by RadioToday Staff

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