Lincs FM helps out local flood-hit schools

Children and staff at a primary school hit by flooding have come together for one last time before Christmas thanks to Lincs FM.

Burringham and Gunness Primary has been closed after the River Trent burst its banks a fortnight ago during the huge tidal surge that swept up the East Coast of the country but the school is not expected to reopen until February.

Lincs FM heard that the flooding had thrown the school’s pre-Christmas plans in to disarray and that some of the children there might not have a chance to properly see their classmates again before the festive period, so put a call into Lincoln BIG, the Business Investment Group, to see if a special session could be arranged on the city’s festive ice rink.

Director of Programming Sean Dunderdale told RadioToday: “Lincs FM was delighted to help out, having covered the story of the flooding in both Burringham and Gunness for almost the moment water levels started to rise. When we explained the situation to Lincoln BIG, they too jumped at the chance to help and booked an entire hour for the session, enabling all 94 pupils plus a number of staff to gather together in Lincoln’s City Square, exchange Christmas cards and presents as well as having fun on the Ice.”

Headteacher Angela Ellis said: “It’s been a hectic couple of weeks since the flooding but it’s great to see all the children smiling and skating as a end of term treat. I’d like to thank Lincs FM for helping to organise the session at such short notice.”

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