Report shows radio importance

A new report entitled Action Stations has highlighted the industry’s investment in vital public service broadcasting such as news and information, cultural and social action, community involvement and charitable activities.

It has been published by RadioCentre and is being backed by a nation-wide advertising campaign on commercial radio.

The report, which highlights the contribution the industry makes to communities and local businesses, is based on substantial audit conducted across more than 160 commercial radio stations, and shows that on average, some eight and a half hours of public service content are broadcast each week by commercial radio stations.

Andrew Harrison, Chief Executive of RadioCentre said: “Commercial radio has been through some big changes in the last few years, with the launch of new national and regional brands offering a genuine alternative to the BBC. However, this report shows that is only part of the story. The vast majority of commercial stations are locally-focused and are still making a vital contribution to their communities by offering real public value.

“Commercial radio achieved its biggest ever audience over the last quarter, with the potent combination of national networks and local services proving hugely successful in attracting listeners. This survey shows that these stations not only entertain, but also have a real impact on people’s lives.

The radio advertising campaign will be offered to all RadioCentre’s members, and features forewords from Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Jeremy Hunt MP, his Labour Shadow Ivan Lewis MP and Liberal Democrate, Don Foster MP.

A full copy of the report can be downloaded here.

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