Star Radio’s 10k duck race rained off

Darlington station Star Radio has had to postpone its £10,000 duck race giveaway because of rising river water levels in the town’s river.

The event was due to take place this coming weekend on the River Skerne, but will now happen in July because of forecasts of more rain for this week.

Star Radio North East’s Managing Director Mark Reason told The Guardian’s ‘The Northerner’ blog: “It is never an easy decision to reschedule such a major event which attracts so many people but the safety of those coming along is first and foremost in our priorities. With the water levels being as high as they are, and with more rain expected over the next week, it is the right thing to do to postpone.”

More than a hundred people and organisations have registered for the UKRD station’s duck race, with entrants getting an online profile for their duck. Star Radio rescued Darlington’s annual Family Fun Day and duck race from extinction last year after it was threatened by council budget cuts.

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