Robin Banks puts himself on Star Breakfast

Robin Banks, the recently appointed Programme Director of Star North East, has put himself on the station’s Breakfast Show.

“I was persuaded by the MD to do it” said Robin, “There’s some pretty good morning show’s up here in the North East but he felt I could do better, and, yeah he’s right, I think I can”

“We’ve got a massive job to do so we thought, hell why not….. let’s give it the full Robin Banks treatment”

The new breakfast show also includes young local talent like Kyle Wilkinson from County Durham, who is getting his break as on-air producer, and Kate Wathall, who studied in Newcastle, anchoring news.

Star’s Managing Director Mark Reason is delighted, “At UKRD we’re all about developing our people so being able to give Kate and Kyle this chance is great. They’ve got absolutely no fear so with Robin as mentor and coach I’m expecting very big things!”

The first week of the new show hasn’t been without its problems though. Kate got stuck in snow on the show’s debut morning and didn’t make it in! Robin’s observations about who would go to a local café called BJ’s didn’t go down too well. After only four days the station has received over one hundred complaints on Facebook, the listener line and phone calls to the station.

Robin isn’t too concerned about the situation pointing to the fact that his brief was “to shake things up in the North East”.

He says “Most lame arsed X-Factor talking, ‘oooh look what Rihanna is wearing’ lazy radio presenters want to be liked especially on a new radio show… but guess what? You ain’t ever going to stand out doing that stuff! Radio has got blander but at Star I’m free’er than ever… . I’m rocking here”

The station says news of another new signing is due this week.

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