Pirate FM takes on Global Radio Director

Former Commercial Director for Global Radio in Leeds Jason Gill is joining UKRD as Head of Sales for Pirate FM.

Before working for Global, Jason was Station Director at The Bay in Lancaster and Business Development Director for Emap during his 15 years working in radio.

He now takes on Pirate FM’s expanding Sales team and will oversee the station’s commercial activities, on-air and online, including its newly launched digital department, producing high quality video amongst other business boosting products for clients across Cornwall.

Jason said: “We know that radio advertising in general brings in nearly an eight times return on investment – and that’s before you factor in Pirate FM’s preeminent position in Cornwall.

“Over the last twenty years Pirate FM has helped countless businesses in the Duchy grow their profits – and I’m proud to be part of the latest chapter of that story.

Jason was on holiday in the area with his family when he spotted the advert at Pirate FM, so had to drive home for a suit to be able to attend the interview.

Managing Director Beverley Warne said: “As the saying goes, Jason brings with him a wealth of experience, but unfortunately not much in the way of two piece suits.”

Jason continued: “I look forwarding to meeting clients old and new over the coming weeks. And now I’ve got to pop to Moss Bros…”

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