Star to flip format 10 times in 10 days

UKRD station Star North East is to try ten different music formats in ten days in order to find something different for listeners.

From Monday 21st January, Star will play a totally different radio format and invite listener comments via a dedicated phone-in line.

The formats include a full day of rock music, a non-stop day of old skool, disco, love songs and the real sound of the 60s.

The station’s official Ofcom Format is for a “Broad Hits-Based station providing local information for 25-54 year olds” and is made up of three licenses for Darlington, Durham and Northallerton.

Star’s Managing Director, Mark Reason, explains “In the North East we’re about to have a Heart, we’ve already got a Capital and a Smooth plus two Bauer stations so it’s about time we had something totally different! That’s why I took on Robin – to create something very different and very special.”

Programme Director Robin Banks can’t wait for the radio experiment to begin: “They gave me this radio station and I wanted it to grow the largest balls ever. Yeah we’re small, yeah we have no budget, yeah it feels like the radio equivalent of Mean Machine, but we’ve got balls… and success in the future is about having the balls to be different now!”

MD, Mark Reason, continues “Only UKRD could allow this to happen! I’m recruiting a team of radio mavericks like Robin – a few more to be announced soon – and we’re going to give it a really good go! Watch this space….”

The new “Star” will emerge after the ten days depending on the most popular format chosen.

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Posted on Wednesday, January 16th, 2013 at 12:18 pm by RadioToday Staff

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