UKRD hires Advertising Creative Director

Creative writer Mike Bersin is to join UKRD Group, taking up the newly created post of Advertising Creative Director, starting next month.

Mike has been running his own company, The Creative Led Sell for the last 15 years, and before that was Creative Director at Metro Radio Group from 1981 to 1996, then Emap.

“This appointment signals yet further commitment to our local operations and will result in a level of support being provided to our station sales operations which we believe will be unrivalled at our level within the radio sector,” said William Rogers, the group’s Chief Executive Officer.

“Mike brings with him over 30 years of experience and an outstanding creative talent and the team he will help us to build right across our portfolio will enhance the service we can deliver to local businesses, which increasingly represent the key growth area for us,” said Rogers.

Mike Bersin said that he was looking forward to working with the team at UKRD enormously.

“I’m really excited by this opportunity which presents me with a clean sheet of paper on which to write the best plan I can to put into effect everything I have learnt over 30 years working in radio. ” said Bersin.

“Serving local communities with truly effective local advertising, 100% of the time, is an inspirational challenge and I can’t wait.

“I have enjoyed working with many operators in the industry and I’ve been self-employed for a good many years. UKRD is a company that has really attracted me and its focus on its people and the values it operates with are immensely attractive. I can’t wait to start,” he said.

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