The former Chief Executive and Content Directors of UKRD, William Rogers and Dave Coull, and ex-GWR senior manager, Jonathan Bradley, have come together to publish a book.
Between them they’ve gathered their business experience to write a new book on leadership, “The No Normal Leader.”
The book, published this month and available through Amazon in paperback, or via Kindle, takes a swipe at the concept of the “new normal” and sets out a leadership philosophy based on maximum readiness and cultural engagement; what it describes as “the No Normal leadership style.”
“We have known each other, and worked together, for many years and, when Covid hit, decided to take that time to set out our collective thoughts on leadership, culture and readiness in a book,” said William.
“It’s pretty opinionated and direct in terms of the views we’ve expressed but we wanted to deliver something that got people thinking as well as providing a road-map as to how a leader might make their business no normal ready.”
Jonathan Bradley, who, since leaving radio after a spell at GWR, is now an international executive coach and trainer, said that the opportunity to collaborate to produce a thoughtful and challenging book about a particular type of leadership style was one he had “jumped at.”
“The book is all about being ready and developing a leadership approach which maximises engagement at all levels and prepares a business, in whatever sector, for all the challenges it might face. The argument about “new normal” is a flawed one and we tackle that head on,” he said.
Dave Coull, who worked with William Rogers as Content Director at UKRD before it was acquired by Bauer in 2019, said that he had found the whole process of working collaboratively on a book hugely beneficial and that the result was “something which sets out a clear path for any leader who wants to ensure that the business they lead is as ready as it can be through cultural and people empowerment.”
“The thread running through the book is, fundamentally, all about the people and the difference that any business can make to its future readiness if the right policies are in place to maximise the impact people can make.”
Posted on Sunday, March 28th, 2021 at 2:34 pm by RadioToday Staff