UKRD retains its three star accreditation

Commercial radio operator UKRD Group has retained its 3 Star “Best Company to Work For” accreditation for 2013, for the 4th year in a row.

The group, which operates 16 local commercial stations across the country, first gained the accreditation in 2010 and since then has maintained its position in both this process as well as the “Sunday Times Top 100 Best Companies to Work For” which, for the last two years, has seen it take the number one position.

Chief Executive Officer, William Rogers, told Radio Today that he was “delighted and very proud” that the company was sustaining this level of recognition.

“We work incredibly hard at delivering a values based culture in our organisation and this recognition helps confirm that we continue to be on the right track. As the only commercial radio operator recognised in this way, it’s a great tribute to our managers and teams that it’s been gained for a fourth year in a row,” he said.

The group has also has announced to all its staff that it has brought forward the introduction of a contributory pension some three years ahead of Government requirements to do so.

The scheme, announced to all the groups stations by Finance Director, Andy Preece, commences this month and will see the group match fund contributions made by employees.

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Posted on Friday, January 4th, 2013 at 7:07 am by RadioToday Staff

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